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School Attendance And Absence


School begins at 7:45 am Monday to Friday. A school day ends at 1:45pm. All students are supervised during break and lunch periods, and until 2:30 p.m, after school is dismissed. No responsibility can be accepted for children who arrive before 7:00 am and who remain after 2:30 p.m.

In all cases of infectious diseases, the Principal or Vice Principal must be informed and the child must not return to school until free from the infection. 

A doctor’s certificate, as to the child’s fitness will be required.

When children are away from school because of other illnesses or special circumstances, parents should send a letter to the Principal or Vice Principal giving the reason for their absence. Likewise, children who are to leave early for appointments – notice must be given in advance.



School Rules


It has been said that whenever more than two people have lived or worked together rules are necessary. We believe that the school rules, if obeyed, will help establish a positive, comfortable atmosphere in which we can all work together happily.

Certain aspects of academic and social behaviour are expected and required.


Class and General Rules:


  • No one is to walk around the classroom – please stay at your own desk

  • No one is to play with the light switches or door handles

  • No one is to try to turn on the air condition unit

  • No one is to take another student’s property, such as…pencils, erasers, books or snacks

  • No one is to leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission

  • No one is to stand on the desk or write on the desk

  • No one is to throw their garbage on the floors , like snack wrappers or pencil shavings

  • No one should use curse words in or out of class

  • No one should use the washrooms to play/hide or stand on seats

  • No Jewelry to be worn with your uniform, except for a wrist watch, and small girls are allowed to wear small ear-stoppers only. No fancy earrings.

  • Boys must wear their black belts, with their polos inside. Students who wear their pants on their hips and under and without a belt would be out of order and measures will be taken.

  • No fighting, body games or wild running allowed. Serious injuries arising out of any of these would result in medical expenses compensation after investigation.

  • Students with cellphones must hand up their phones to the office each morning and collect at home time.

  • Electronic games are not permitted, this includes ipods, mp3 and other hand held video games (only with approval).

  • Chewing gum, eating or drinking in washrooms and hallways are not permitted.

  • Disrespect with attitudes of defiance and disruptive behaviour are not permitted.

  • Lying and stealing are also serious disciplinary matters.

  • Any wilful act of damage to school property is viewed as gross disregard for property and is considered a serious disciplinary matter.

  • Any incidents involving sexual or emotional harassment, racial or religious intolerance or physical abuse or threats will be dealt with as serious disciplinary matters.

  • No push point pencils and metal rulers.

  • Uniform Changes -Students will now have a choice to use the dress uniforms only or alternating with the daily uniforms on any which day of the week. This decision was made to facilitate the different fittings that are sometimes not appropriate to the student’s physical built, and to allow for more flexibility relative to laundry schedules.




Although we hope we will not have to use this means of correction, it is necessary to inform you of our policy with regard to infringement of the school rules. Pupils may be sent home for a period of one to five days for violation of rules. Prior to suspension, the pupil would be allowed to explain the misconduct. If suspension is warranted the parents will be notified.


Special notices will be given for suspension regarding non payment of school fees.


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